Lost or Damaged Information Resources and Multimedia Equipment Document

In case of that IC’s users, who borrowed information resource from the collection, lost or damaged that/those resource(s) when using it/them in IC or the outdoor, they shall be subject to the actions in accordance with the procedure below-stated:

1. The Information Resources Borrowed from the Collections of IC:

IC demands the cost of information resource and the transaction fee from those who lost any borrowed information resource, if the users let IC know about the lost items before the due date.

The current market value of the relevant information resource in the market shall be taken as a basis in order to calculate the cost of the lost information resource. The price of information sources that are out of print is determined at the end of the research conducted on the relevant information source market.

2. Multimedia Equipment:

IC demands the cost (25$ USD per missing key) of the key, the door lock and the transaction fee from those who lost the key of any multimedia or group study room, if the users let IC know about the lost key before the due time and date.

IC demands the cost and the transaction fee from those who lost the earphones or the bag which contains remote controls of TV, video and DVD players and other equipment.

3. The Information Resource(s) Borrowed from the Other Institutions:

According to the principles of Interlibrary Loan, in case the borrowed information resources are lost payment of the cost of lost information sources are carried out in accordance with the rules of the institution concerned. Moreover, the users in this condition will not use the borrowing services until that they will fulfill their responsibilities.

Note that the transaction fee is 20 TL per information resource.